The Pink Panther film franchise is a series of comedy films produced in collaboration between the United States and France, with the first film released in 1963. The series features the bumbling but charming French detective Inspector Clouseau, who always manages to get into hilarious mishaps while solving cases. In recent years, the Pink Panther […]
Monthly Archives: May 2023
As a Pokémon possessing the power of Aura, Lucario already has a solid fan base. With its slim figure and handsome appearance, as well as its unique combat style, Lucario is a beloved character. Its signature move, Aura Sphere, which resembles a ball or energy blast, has been featured in several animated series and is […]
Préparez-vous pour le costume le plus cool de cette saison d’Halloween avec notre tout nouveau Carchacrok Kigurumi ! Faisant partie de notre collection de nouveaux costumes d’Halloween pour 2023, ce kigu Carchacrok est parfait pour les fans de Pokemon et les passionnés de cosplay kigurumi anime. Qu’est-ce qu’un kigu ?Un kigu, abréviation de kigurumi, est […]
Piplup, Prinplup, and Empoleon: The Icy Trio Winter is coming, and what better way to embrace the frosty season than with the adorable penguin-inspired Pokémon from the Sinnoh region? Piplup and its evolutions, Prinplup and Empoleon, are the perfect winter-themed Pokémon, as they resemble the most adorable creature that lives in Antarctica: penguins. With Halloween […]
BT21 characters created by the members of the Korean boy band BTS have taken the world by storm. These adorable, quirky characters with huge personalities have appealed to people of all ages. Their popularity shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. On the other hand, Kigurumi – wearable animal costumes – have been around […]
Snorlax Pokemon Kigurumi Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokémon. This colossal Pokémon continually dozes off wherever it happens to be. Because of its tremendous size and weight, it is impossible to move once Snorlax falls asleep. Snorlax’s enormous appetite allows it to eat nearly 900 pounds of food in a single day when it is awake. After […]
Get ready for the coolest costume this Halloween season with our brand new Garchomp Kigurumi! As part of our New Halloween costumes for 2023 collection, this Garchomp kigu is perfect for Pokemon fans and kigurumi anime cosplay enthusiasts alike. What is a Kigu? A kigu, short for kigurumi, is a Japanese term for a full-body costume that represents an animal or popular character. […]